Philippines Beef Cattle Production
The Philippines beef cattle industry has remained one of the least developed livestock industries for
so many years now. Efforts in the past have not succeeded much in developing the industry. This is
clearly demonstrated by the reduction in cattle the reduction in cattle population with the continuous
importation of both live cattle and beef products just to satisfy the ever-increasing local demand,
thus there is an urgent need to increase the local beef production and reduce cattle and beef
Considering that the country is endowed with under utilized grass-land, considerable supply of crop
residues, a favorable climate for fodder production, under utilized manpower, available technology,
there is indeed big potential to improve the cattle industry.
The Philippine Beef Cattle Industry
General Situation
The local beef cattle industry is considered one of the country's least develop comodity for the past several years now. During a year between 1983-1992, the local cattle population has declined at an average o 1.68/year.this can be attributed to the high slaughter rate at an average of 449, 507 head/year or 25.94% of the total population (BAS 1994).
The local beef production is not enough to meet the demands of a rapidly increasing human population. For example, The estimated annual capita consumption for beef in 1992 was 1.5 kg (BAS 1994). With a population of about 64. 25 million, the country needs about 100, 872 tons of beef, which is equivalent to about 672,483 head of cattle for slaughter assuming a carcass weight of 150 kg/head. With a cattle population of 1.66 million head, a breeding based representing about 35% of the population, and a calf-crop of about 70% the annual extraction rate can be estimated at about 406,700 head which is equivalent to about 61, 005 tons of beef. The deficit is about 39, 867 tons of beef . To partially meet the deficit, the government opted to import beef amounting to about 14, 400 tons valued at FOB US$ 20.54 million in 1992 breeder cattle were also imported (LDC 1994).
With increasing demands for a beef coupled with declining trend in local cattle population, it is expected that importation of booth beef and live cattle in large volumes would continue unless something is done to augment the local cattle industry.
In general, the major constraints to growth and development of the cattle industry are low breeding based, poor nutrition and herd management, localized peace and order situation, inefficient marketing systems and structures, and unfavorable government policies. Problems mostly encountered in small hold backyard operations include inefficient breeding techniques; inadequate feed supply ; and lack or inadequate technical support, veterinary, and extension services from the government.
The available breeding base is not enough to produce the number required number of cattle for meat. The shortage is a result of the continuous and indiscriminate slaughter of breeders, young female cattle, and even pregnant cows. Moreover, the long gestation period (five to eight years) for a cattle breeding or cow-calf operation makes such activity unattractive to many cattle raisers.
These problems result in the low productivity of cattle under local conditions. Specifically, the low calf-crop is caused by the absence of an efficient and effective culling and selection programs, natural weaning of young stock resulting in premature breeding and even inbreeding, incidence of numerous farm related accidents and non coordination of management with seasonal factors.
The deteriorating localized peace and order situation coupled with squatter encroachment in ranching areas result in the phase out of about 88.9% of commercial ranches since 1984. Presently, only 63 commercial farms are in operation.
In general, the major constraints to growth and development of the cattle industry are low breeding based, poor nutrition and herd management, localized peace and order situation, inefficient marketing systems and structures, and unfavorable government policies. Problems mostly encountered in small hold backyard operations include inefficient breeding techniques; inadequate feed supply ; and lack or inadequate technical support, veterinary, and extension services from the government.
Low breeding based
The available breeding base is not enough to produce the number required number of cattle for meat. The shortage is a result of the continuous and indiscriminate slaughter of breeders, young female cattle, and even pregnant cows. Moreover, the long gestation period (five to eight years) for a cattle breeding or cow-calf operation makes such activity unattractive to many cattle raisers.
Poor Nutrition and Herd Management
These problems result in the low productivity of cattle under local conditions. Specifically, the low calf-crop is caused by the absence of an efficient and effective culling and selection programs, natural weaning of young stock resulting in premature breeding and even inbreeding, incidence of numerous farm related accidents and non coordination of management with seasonal factors.
Peace and order
The deteriorating localized peace and order situation coupled with squatter encroachment in ranching areas result in the phase out of about 88.9% of commercial ranches since 1984. Presently, only 63 commercial farms are in operation.
Inefficient Marketing System and Structures
While there is a ready market for beef and its by-products, several constraints are being encountered to transport them to the end-users.
Transportation and infrastructure facilities are not fully in-placed causing additional cost on marketing. The typical marketing channel which include the viajero (the wholesale trader), the primary wholesaler, the buthcher/abbatoir of stockyard operator, and the retailer is still existing in some parts of the country.
Reference: PCARRD Philippine Recommends. Philippine recommends for beef cattle production, series no. 9-B. (1994). Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development.
Types of Cattle Raising
Cow-Calf Operation
Cows and bulls are raised to produce calves. Calves are then raised until they are weaned from their dams at seven to eight months of age. After weaning they can be sold right away or raised for a few months for use as replacement stocks or sold for fattening.
The cow-calf operation is considered the most challenging because the producer needs to familiar with the productive phenomena as well as the breeding and the feeding systems. He should also be well informed on the management practices involved in the production and maintenance of cows, bulls and calves. A good animal health program should also be observed to minimized mortality and ensure the productivity of the animals.
Extensive System
The extensive system is also popularly know as ranching. In this system, the animals are maintain in a vast tract of open lands.
Integration into Crop or Plantation Agriculture.
A cow-calf project may also be done in combination with crop or plantation agriculture. Small vacant lots or spaces between agricultural crops plantations such as corn, sugarcane, etc. may be utilized feed sources.
Intensive System
In this system, the animals are confined and are fed on a cut and carry basis or zero grazing.
Reference: PCARRD Philippine Recommends. Philippine recommends for beef cattle production, series no. 9-B. (1994). Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development.
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